Are you trying to sell market leading to market laggards?

May 30, 2011

I was at University of Toronto last week to see my father receive his 60 year anniversary medal for graduating from Engineering in 1951. During the ceremony, I recognized a gentleman who was a senior executive at one of my customers 25 years ago. At the time, I was at IBM and the IT industry ...

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Do first impressions matter?

May 19, 2011

I am a networker. That means that I meet lots of people every month so I quickly form impressions about them and those impressions dictate my behavior and interactions with them from then on. Conversely, the initial impressions that I leave will also guide them towards or away from future interactions and business opportunities together. ...

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Business Ethics and the Bottomline Part II

May 15, 2011

In mid-February, a number of stories appeared that Ottawa-based Halogen was being sued by SuccessFactors for allegedly creating a phony company to act as a prospective customer in order to obtain competitive information from SuccessFactors.  I have no insight into this situation or lawsuit other than what I have read in the media but did ...

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